Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who We Are and Why...

Welcome to Elder Law Answers! A Blog dedicated to keeping you and your family up to date on everything happening in West Virginia when it comes to Estate and Elder care planning.

Don't Stop Reading...

We understand that talking about things like estate planning, end of life care, and aging isn't something most of us want to face. In fact, statistics show that about 55% of adults avoid this topic all together by never creating and estate plan.

Many of you reading this blog may not have an estate plan yet, but will- eventually.

Maybe mom or dad had a will done when you were younger so things are probably okay if something in their health would change.

Your children should know where all of your important documents are by now...

Unfortunately, we hear these excuses all too often, and many times it is when a family is in our office after a family member has passed away unexpectedly, or developed a long-term illness and is no longer able to make legal decisions.

We sit across from families everyday who are in a crisis situation because they avoided estate planning, or simply didn't know it was within their reach.

Let us help you and your family achieve the peace of mind knowing that you have taken that step to protect your financial security and independence...

The future depends on many things, but mostly on you.

Call us today for more information at our office at 304-554-2900.

Also make sure to catch our television show, "Elder Care Answers" this Sunday on WDTV-CBS Channel 5 at 11:00am, or visit us any time at www.seamonlawoffices.com